Sunday, June 27, 2010


The first part of the trip started in Vedawoo, Wyoming. Vedawoo has been my playground for four years and it is now the starting point for a long road trip.

The first few days of the trip provided amazing climbing, but the best part of our stay in the Voo was getting to see our friends who came up to send us off. So far, we have met some incredible people such as fellow dirtbags and Rob Kelman, the author of the Vedawoo guidebook.

The living system in the car is cramped, but we are dialed. Moving in and moving out is pretty easy. The real challenges are going to be the small difficulties we encounter every day, such as bad weather, boring food, poor sleep, and injuries. We are confident and excited.
Day 1. The spread.
One of the challenges we have encountered thus far: we learned that multi-vitamins have to be taken with food, or else you will throw up. It took us two days of experimenting to pinpoint the exact problem!
George and Adam after our first day of climbing. George and I decided not to take any beers with us, so that we would start off the trip on the right foot/sober foot. We were lucky Adam came up with a cooler of beer. Note to self: beer at the end of a day of cragging tastes good.
Adam and George with the Nautilus in the background.
Day 2. Our buddy Corban came up to hang with us on our second day of climbing.
Fun colors around the Nautilus.
Day 3. Our buddy Tyson came up to climb with us on a day that was supposed to be a travel day, but we could not resist hanging with more friends. It is difficult to leave the places you love. Above: Tyson Wormis making Strawberry Jam look like it belongs on crumpets instead of your ankles.
We got rained out after one climb, but we had a great cave at out campsite to hangout in and make an early dinner.
After Tyson left, we shared our campsite with these strangers from Golden. Kate and Ryan trying to knock each other over.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Right Now!

The Dream Starts Right Now!

On my way to Vedawoo, Wyoming to begin the trip.

A good man once said, "Offwidths are good for you." It is true.

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's all going to Change

For the last 6 months I have chosen to live a somewhat normal life, living in Sweden with my family. Over the next half year, I will look back at sleeping in beds and regular showers, because I will have a life on the road.

The purpose of the trip is to climb, but with the option to do anything and everything. Throughout the past couple of months I have tried to explain what I will be doing on this trip to friends and family, and the usual reaction is excitement and confusion. Many seem to crave for an adventure experience like this, and many look back fondly on their own adventures, whether they be backpacking through Europe, moving to a foreign country, or repossessing boats in the Caribbean. While we all have obligations and commitments in life, I would like to say that anyone can live like this. I hope that the next couple of months of this blog can show that it is possible to live your dreams. I feel extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to undergo an adventure such as this, and I thank my upbringing for allowing me to believe that I could do this.

While the adventure seems glamorous and exciting, I know that there will be times when it is not. I know that we will struggle and suffer, but it will not be fun without pain. It will take time to grow into the routine of not having a routine. The journey is about to begin, and I encourage everyone to join me, whether it be on the internet or coming by a campground for a visit and some cragging.

The rig: Chevy S10 Longbed Pickup
The truck is starting to get full. The climbing will not be as hard as living out of the back of this truck.