I have been welcomed by many good friends and family. Everyone is excited to see me, but might only be acting polite (unlikely). My family here might possibly be the best anyone could have. They are all some of the best friends and companions anyone could ask for. Each member has done there best to make me feel comfortable here, and they are all excited to show me around. It is truly an honor to have loved ones in my life!
The arrival in Stockhom was simple. My grandmother, or Mormor (mother' mother), picked mom and I up at the airport with her partner Hans. We spent the day at Hans' apartment and were treated to his special personality. The grandparents are retired and live marvelous lives with simple pleasures.
I found some city cracks in Stockholm and this one was a mega offwidth that looked enticing. It was 5.5'' wide and 45' tall. I think I will have to wait until the warm season to climb this one.
The next two days were spent with our friends Björn and Inger in Stockholm propper. Björn and Inger are artists of the highest quality and exploring their work with them was enlightening. Björn creates some of the most impressive landscape paintings I have ever seen. He is also a nature writer so we had far too much to talk about. We partied all night long with these two Stockholmers: a magical introduction to the country. Check out his artwork at (www.björnwessman.nu)
After the Stockholm visit mom and I went our separate ways. I welcomed our separation, because I could not tolerate another night of sharing a bed with her and her snoring. I went To a city called Öredro where Mormor lives, and mom went to a city called Söderhamn where her brother John lives.
My purpose in Örebro is to see the part of the family my mother is not visiting with. It is here that I am now, visiting with my mother's sister Katarina and her partner Janne. They have two kids Jenny and Anton, who are underbart (amazing). Katarina and Janne live in a town South of Örebro in a small farming town call Storamellösa. It is incredible here. There are farms everywhere with small red or yellow houses.
While there are many things I could share with everyone, there are some things I will never be able to capture. This was a rather quick and boring update of what I have been doing, but it should provide some context. Please stay tuned to hear more about the people I love, the things I have learned, and land that seems to tease me with its beauty.
Johno, how cool! I love how you connect and share with people--- you sure did it here in Fort Collins. We miss you, having you gone is a hole in my day...